Friday, April 20, 2012

these are the days

in 22 days I will have a new name. I will no longer be my own individual person, but I will be one with someone else.

pretty weird stuff, when you think about it. But the more I think about it, the more I like it, no matter how weird it might sound at first. And its pretty much not what culture tells us. From day one we are told to express our individuality. We are told to go "find ourselves". We are told to not give up and fight for the right to have our own identity.

But as a Christian, I give up my identity completely. In fact, I flee  from my former identity. My dirty, depraved soul finds a new meaning in the blood of Jesus. My soul find hope. My soul finds an identity, and that identity is Christ.

And in marriage, I also give up my identity. I give up all of my individuality. I am no longer my own person, but I belong to another, and he belongs to me. There is complete unity, because nothing is "mine" anymore. It is "ours".

Our culture is at war against the hope of the gospel. But its not just the culture - WE were at war against the gospel. We were enemies of God, giving Him the middle finger as we go about deliberately rejecting His gospel. But praise the Lord, there is redemption and hope for all of us individualistic, self-centered sinners.

and although it will be 3 weeks before I experience it, I believe that marriage is God's way of destroying my self-centered heart and sanctifying me to become more like Jesus. yes!

 A short video I made, I have a new favorite toy on my phone and I am obsessed with it! I waste way too much time on that thing.


  1. This is so beautiful, Ragan. I'm so happy for you and Ross! :)

  2. This would be the perfect time to watch Yours, Mine and Ours! :)


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