Thursday, September 15, 2011

by grace

"It is by grace that your sins are forgiven, and it is by grace that the wandering allegiance of your heart is reclaimed." - Paul David Tripp

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

a fight against sexual purity: Part II

This post has been a long time coming. I've attempted to write it about 2 or 3 times, and I've had to scratch every single one. In fact, I am almost afraid to post these thoughts, because I know they are far from being fully developed and coherent. I am in no way claiming to finally have all the answers. If you are looking for a handbook on sexual purity complete with an altar call and salvation forevermore, then just move along soldier.

This is my best effort at some sort of resolution and perspective. And my ideas are 100% stolen from a sermon by Rev. Rich Lambert and a book called Sex and the Supremacy of Christ compiled by John Piper.

In my one month of half-hearted research I have come to this HUGE realization: I struggle with the concept of sexual purity because I struggle to believe the gospel. I don't really understand what it means when Paul writes, " For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.”

So what does all of this leaving and cleaving mumbo jumbo really mean? It means that Jesus gives all of Himself to have all of you. Wow. Rev. Lambert makes the bold statement that what you believe about sex is what you believe about the gospel. He goes on to explain that if I am single and I feel like I have to idolize sex and take it for myself, then I don't believe that God is gracious and that He joins Himself to me completely and pours His love upon me.
or, on the other hand, if I am married and I don't want sex, then I do not enjoy Jesus. I do not believe that He could ever delight in me. We so often fall into the trap of believing that Jesus saves us, but He doesn't want us. 

When I whine against living up to a standard of sexual purity, it reveals that I have completely disconnected sex from the gospel. It has become a god. I worship something that was meant to be used in worship. I serve something that was meant to serve me. I become consumed with trying to moralize and break down into law something that was made to free and liberate.

       "The gospel is the Savior loving us in our low meanness, the parts of us that no one wants to see. Jesus trudged through death to sweep His lover into His arms and carry her off. He takes us in our uncleanness to make us clean. Is there any part of Himself that He hides from us when He opens His heart in His word? Is there any part of His love that He holds back from us when He touches our wounds and our brokenness? The gospel in marriage is we give all of self to have all of another."

Rev. Lambert goes on to say, "What you believe about how husbands and wives should give to each other is what you believe about how Jesus gives Himself to you."

Therefore, what I believe about sexual purity is what I believe about the gospel. I believe that Jesus loves me, delights in me, and wants all of me. This is the driving force behind sexual purity. This understanding of Christ and His relationship with the Church is what begs for obedience, abstinence, purity, and all those words that my rebellious heart fights against.

there. thats my best effort. 
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