Monday, January 2, 2012

more like a brother

we had 15 people residing at the Brock residence this week. for some of you, 15 might seem like a vast multitude of people. for others, 15 might seem about average. but here's a shocker - those 15 people came from only 2 families. 4 parents, 11 kids. did i mention 2 sets of twins?

No, I am not speaking of a daycare. or a youth group. or a concentration camp. This week was simply the semi-annual Brock/Burton reunion.

And for all of those out there who do not have the last name Brock or Burton....sorry, but you're missing out. big time.

When we say that we've been friends since before birth, that is not a lie. Our parents were roommates in college.

Because it is utterly impossible to describe the amount of chaos that ensues every time we are reunited, I will have to leave that up to your imagination. Maybe the names
will give you somewhere to start.

We have been spending a week at the lake every year since before I can even remember. We have watched the group grow from 4 adults and 3 kids to.................. 28973098174 plus some animals.

our lake trips have provided us with years of fun memories to enjoy. Tubing, water obstacle courses, fighting over jetskis, karaoke, dance parties, pancake breakfasts, forgotten watermelon left sitting in the creek, snakes, black bear scares, hot tubs, porta-potty pranks on the little ones, water fights, regular fights, Will strangling Bryant over a chess game, Bryant later shooting Will in the foot with an airsoft gun, Elton John on the speed boat radio, the party barge (aka pontoon boat), 4th of July fireworks over the dam, hammocks, bonfires, popsicles, alcohol...........
the list goes on forever. about 20 something years of memories.

(there is nothing like a miniature diva with a shotgun....sunbathing.)

someday i will dig up pictures from the recesses of an old computer and post some really juicy ones.

but our trips were never limited to the lake....beach trips, farm trips, washington DC trips, and even international trips have occurred along the way.

Boca Grande, Florida

Rome, Italy

Pompeii, Italy

Island of Capri

Boca Grande

Somewhere in the middle of the ocean....

(you know you are the youngest when you get black mailed shamelessly and no one even cares)

New Years Eve 2010

Washington DC

Christmas 2009

looking fly on a school trip circa 2008?

protecting the border. just trip 2010

because it would take about 6 years and a much faster internet speed to load all of our pictures, i will be forced to number the collection to a few random photos from various occasions.

Los Cabos, Mexico (no kids allowed trip)

The latest Brock/Burton adventure involved sailing, shopping, seafood, Wii basketball, Just Dance 3, dog fights, New Years Eve bonfire, squinkies (ask Lydia), talking chipmunks, and endless games of risk.

Point Clear

Sailing in Mobile Bay

riding in the back of the truck

at the end of the day, there are truly few things in life greater than life-long friends.


  1. Very nice - made a tear come to my eye (cause I remembered smoking you in Monopoly!)

  2. Haha too true. Made me laugh the whole time I read it :)


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