Saturday, January 28, 2012

diamonds are not a girls best friend

Where do I even begin with this post? Words truly cannot express the emotions I am feeling at this time. I know that a good writer is supposedly able to capture and express emotions by a few choice and powerful words, but I would argue that sometimes no amount of writing can portray the deepest of feelings. And that is alright.

On January 19, 2012 Ross asked me to marry him. I said yes. If anyone reading this thinks our relationship is a perfect fairytale, they are dead wrong. But it is a relationship that I would never trade for a perfect fairytale. After 5 years, 3 break ups, buckets of tears, and loads of immaturity, I can safely say that our small journey has been no walk in the park. And nor would I recommend our path to anyone. But I would not change a single thing. It is funny you can look back on life and see the pain, but realize that you wouldn't have learned or changed without it. That, my friends, is sanctification.

Was that last paragraph a little bit un-romantic and anti-climactic, considering the joyous position I am in as a future bride? Possibly. But is it true? Yes. And is it almost impossible to describe the deep joy I feel as I prepare to wed this wonderful man? Absolutely.

We met in October of 2006. We were both 15. We met through speech and debate, which is utterly embarrassing and totally hilarious at the same time. I was a 15 year old air-head, with lots of make-up and an Alabama sweatshirt on. He was a really skinny, tall kid in a blue dress shirt and wallabees. What did I notice first? That curly hair, of course. I remember sitting on the ground with Anna Stewart and saying, “Who is that cute guy? He looks like my next boyfriend! I'm gonna introduce myself.” At 15 years old, a lot of terrible ideas actually seem like a good game plan. Thankfully, Anna's common sense took control of the situation and kept me from ruining my entire future. So I forced myself to sit on the ground and just stare at God's beautiful creation from a distance. At one point, I “strategically” moved to a place where Rebecca Lee was forced to introduce us... and the rest is history.

Actually, not really. Here is the first documented photo of us, April 2007. 16 years old, in that beautiful 15 passenger van owned by the Lee family. 

We lived for debate meetings on Friday afternoons. For days, I would begin planning my outfit for the next meeting. I would fix my hair, put on the cutest clothes my high school wardrobe held, and drench myself in perfume so that I smelled up to high heaven as soon as I exited the car...I swear, people could smell me from miles around. These are not proud days. I was the bad child, prancing around in my high heels and perfume. Everyone said it wouldn't last...and appearances seemed to prove that we didn't have a very strong foundation for such a young love as ours. And, if it hadn't been for the protection and guidance of our parents, we probably wouldn't have. I am so thankful that our parents cared about us enough to keep us from getting carried away. We weren't allowed to go on dates or talk on the phone or spend any alone time...which was the Lord protecting us from ourselves.   

I can't even tell you all the fun times we had with our group of friends. Spending weekends in a different city with all your friends competing against each other is a blast. And a very unique way to get to know someone. As debate season progressed, we both had our fair share of wins and losses. Well, he had his fair share of wins, and I had my fair share of complete losses, due to my utter disrespect for anything the slightest bit intelligent. Who cares what comes out your mouth, as long as you look cute doing it – right? Wrong. He won 1st place speaker at nationals...and I did not. Once again, I was forced to live vicariously through the brilliant Ross Wesson. It seems to be a re-occurring theme in my life.

Although I would never recommend a long, highschool relationship to anyone, there is something to be said for growing up with a person. There is a connection that only comes from experiencing so many different phases of life together.  And there is character that is proven time and time again, and for that I am so very grateful.
The season of fun times ended as I packed my bags to move to Atlanta my senior year of highschool, amid many tears and heart-wrenching goodbyes. He came to help “move us in”, and that is when he gave me my first gift. It was a little silver necklace from American Eagle, and I wore it so much that the silver somehow magically disappeared and it ended up turning orange.

 I would have to write an entire book if I was going to recount all the memories I have of our growing-up years. Someday I might do that, but for now this will have to do. One of the funniest memories I have of my immature teenage emotions involve a particular Valentine's Day in 2009. February of our senior year. He was in Louisiana at a debate tournament, and I was in Atlanta doing school and wishing my life away. He sent me a valentine's day card in the mail... and it said, “You might be a redneck if your idea of a romantic gift is matching camo vests.” I remember being so disappointed by the unromantic-ness of the card that.....i cried. Yes, I cried. Definitely not one of my prouder moments.

Then came college, and a break up, and much growth during that time apart. We went to beach project the summer after our freshman year, Oh the fun times. Double dates with our dear friends malcolm and julie...hours and hours spent in the sun and sand...renting jet skis and riding them around the bay...driving out to Seaside for July 4th and almost strangling each other after riding in the back seat for 3 hours together...roller skating, seafood, 80's prom, water balloon fights, the list goes on. 

 The story doesn't end in happily ever after...yet. There is more to come. But, unfortunately, I cannot spend my entire life on my the rest of the story will be continued at a later date.

I am thankful to God for the man He has given me. And I am thankful that I will soon get a fuller understanding of the relationship between Christ and His bride, the church.



It has been far too long since my last post, but unfortunately now is not the time to attempt to summarize my life in an interesting and funny way. I've been distracted lately, I will let you guess why. I cannot wait to marry my best friend on May 12.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Degree or Education?

It seems like at the beginning of every semester, panic mode sets in as I work out my schedule, finances, deadlines, etc. It never takes the form of an all-out panic attack, but it is an unsettling worry in the pit of my stomach as I see my life (and my finances) flash before my eyes. It appears as if every 4-5 months I am faced with the reoccurring issue of, "What am I doing with my life?" and "Is this the best way to spend my money?".

Sometimes my restless nature gets the better of me and I concoct a plan to quit school all together, move to New Zealand, and find work as I begin life in a completely different hemisphere. But, obviously, common sense takes over and my grand ideas are usually obliterated in a very abrupt fashion.

It has taken me 21 years to come to this realization, but I am slowly understanding that these thoughts and impulsive desires are not unusual, and definitely not uncommon. In fact, I can't tell you how many people i know who reach their Junior year of college and realize that they aren't so sure of what they want anymore. This usually means that they change their major, renew their lease, and prepare to become a 5, 6, or 7 year senior.

Is this how we are supposed to spend our lives?

I do not know the answer to that question.

It continually frustrates me to see the way that cultural America binds young people (mostly women) into a vicious cycle of wasting away their time and money when they are still clueless as to what vocation they desire. Kevin DeYoung in his book Just Do Something proposes that part of the problem is that we simply have far to many choices. Our ancestors knew that when they reached the proper age they would take over the family farm, pick a mate from the 12 eligible young people in the community, and live peacefully with a full understanding of commitment and responsibility.

In the year 2012 at the University of Alabama, we have about 6 million majors to pick from, 89 trillion student organizations/clubs, and plenty of banks willing to lend us thousands of dollars to complete a double major with a concentration and a resume of all our extracurricular activities. Not only that, but we can spend all our summers abroad studying in Italy or working in prestigious internships with the company of our choosing.  The opportunities are endless, but yet almost everyone near graduation reverts to full out panic mode as they try to decide what to do with their life. 

Seriously, whats a girl to do?

Is getting a college degree the same as being educated? Does graduating college mean that I am intelligent, well-spoken, well-read, relational, capable of abstract thought, and possessing wisdom and common sense?  Sometimes, but it is far from a guarantee.

I don't have answers to the problems I have presented. I am simply a 21-year old female trying to figure out what to do with my life, and I promise that I'm not the only one facing these questions.

But I do want to challenge the American public to re-evaluate what defines education. And what makes a person intelligent. If we really stop and examine our perspective, then we would probably realize that it takes a whole lot more than a college degree.

To all those struggling like me, I want to encourage you to pursue a degree wholeheartedly if that is what you desire, but more importantly, pursue wisdom. Pursue critical thinking, social adaptability, classic literature, logic, etc. Pursue understanding the great minds of the past. And ultimately, pursue loving the Lord your God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself. Because that is what this life is all about, folks.  A diploma itself does not have eternal value.

Monday, January 2, 2012

more like a brother

we had 15 people residing at the Brock residence this week. for some of you, 15 might seem like a vast multitude of people. for others, 15 might seem about average. but here's a shocker - those 15 people came from only 2 families. 4 parents, 11 kids. did i mention 2 sets of twins?

No, I am not speaking of a daycare. or a youth group. or a concentration camp. This week was simply the semi-annual Brock/Burton reunion.

And for all of those out there who do not have the last name Brock or Burton....sorry, but you're missing out. big time.

When we say that we've been friends since before birth, that is not a lie. Our parents were roommates in college.

Because it is utterly impossible to describe the amount of chaos that ensues every time we are reunited, I will have to leave that up to your imagination. Maybe the names
will give you somewhere to start.

We have been spending a week at the lake every year since before I can even remember. We have watched the group grow from 4 adults and 3 kids to.................. 28973098174 plus some animals.

our lake trips have provided us with years of fun memories to enjoy. Tubing, water obstacle courses, fighting over jetskis, karaoke, dance parties, pancake breakfasts, forgotten watermelon left sitting in the creek, snakes, black bear scares, hot tubs, porta-potty pranks on the little ones, water fights, regular fights, Will strangling Bryant over a chess game, Bryant later shooting Will in the foot with an airsoft gun, Elton John on the speed boat radio, the party barge (aka pontoon boat), 4th of July fireworks over the dam, hammocks, bonfires, popsicles, alcohol...........
the list goes on forever. about 20 something years of memories.

(there is nothing like a miniature diva with a shotgun....sunbathing.)

someday i will dig up pictures from the recesses of an old computer and post some really juicy ones.

but our trips were never limited to the lake....beach trips, farm trips, washington DC trips, and even international trips have occurred along the way.

Boca Grande, Florida

Rome, Italy

Pompeii, Italy

Island of Capri

Boca Grande

Somewhere in the middle of the ocean....

(you know you are the youngest when you get black mailed shamelessly and no one even cares)

New Years Eve 2010

Washington DC

Christmas 2009

looking fly on a school trip circa 2008?

protecting the border. just trip 2010

because it would take about 6 years and a much faster internet speed to load all of our pictures, i will be forced to number the collection to a few random photos from various occasions.

Los Cabos, Mexico (no kids allowed trip)

The latest Brock/Burton adventure involved sailing, shopping, seafood, Wii basketball, Just Dance 3, dog fights, New Years Eve bonfire, squinkies (ask Lydia), talking chipmunks, and endless games of risk.

Point Clear

Sailing in Mobile Bay

riding in the back of the truck

at the end of the day, there are truly few things in life greater than life-long friends.

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